Fluxi Asset Ecosystem

An asset management ecosystem for the circular economy

Recover my Asset

Our system efficiently facilitates the recovery of your assets, connecting you with a network of certified collectors—whether using your own or leveraging our ecosystem—to ensure timely and eco-friendly asset returns. By streamlining asset retrieval and minimizing unnecessary handling, we help reduce environmental impact and optimize asset circulation. Our platform supports data-driven decisions with accurate tracking and reporting, making asset recovery straightforward and sustainable.

Pallets & Blocks

We can manage any type of pallet asset, including standard, roofing, plasterboard, and smaller blocks and blocks/gluts.


We handle various crate types, including those used for small livestock and produce transport.


Our system is asset-agnostic and capable of managing any assets that are distributed and require collection.

Repair for reuse

On the way back, your asset can be redirected to a designated location, such as a collector’s warehouse or dedicated facility.

Each location is treated as a stockpile, allowing you to track asset movements, manage repairs, and oversee the chain of custody.

How does it work?

Delivery information is shared between manufacturers' ordering systems and our platform to streamline asset recovery.

Zones can be exclusively assigned to specific collectors or collections can be dynamically allocated based on each collector's capacity.

Manufacturer customer service teams can enter collection requests directly, or on-site customers can confirm collections themselves.

If collections are not confirmed, automated communication engages with sites, and predictive readiness models determine site visits, optimizing efficiency and ensuring timely asset recovery.

Producers & Manufactures

Producers provide their products on assets that need recovery, or the product itself requires recovery.

After integrating delivery information, including reseller and final drop-off locations. We configure collectors within the system based on capacity or exclusive zones.

Once set up, collections begin, connecting assets from delivery points back to the recovery process.


As a collector, sign up and provide your vehicle details. Once authorized, you'll receive tailored jobs and schedules to keep you busy.

Our system automates the flow of information, providing real-time data on collections, tracking, and reporting, streamlining your processes.

This enhanced visibility and accurate data help facilitate faster payments and efficient operation management.

On-Site Customers

Need an asset removed quickly? Raise a collection request, and a nearby collector will be dispatched.

If you’ve ordered from a manufacturer, expect a confirmation message to ensure your assets are ready for collection, getting assets off your site as quickly as possible.

Reach Out

If you have assets or materials that don’t need to be returned to a manufacturer, we may be able to connect you with eco-friendly companies that will repurpose these items.